18-6-803.5. Crime of violation of a protection order - penalty - peace
officers' duties.
(1) A person commits the crime of violation of a protection order if,
after the person has been personally served with a protection order that
identifies the person as a restrained person or otherwise has acquired
from the court or law enforcement personnel actual knowledge of the
contents of a protection order that identifies the person as a
restrained person, the person:
(a) Contacts, harasses, injures, intimidates, molests, threatens, or
touches the protected person or protected property, including an animal,
identified in the protection order or enters or remains on premises or
comes within a specified distance of the protected person, protected
property, including an animal, or premises or violates any other
provision of the protection order to protect the protected person from
imminent danger to life or health, and such conduct is prohibited by the
protection order; or
(b) Except as permitted pursuant to section 18-13-126 (1) (b), hires,
employs, or otherwise contracts with another person to locate or assist
in the location of the protected person.
(1.5) As used in this section:
(a) "Protected person" means the person or persons identified in the
protection order as the person or persons for whose benefit the
protection order was issued.
(a.5) (I) "Protection order" means any order that prohibits the
restrained person from contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating,
molesting, threatening, or touching any protected person or protected
animal, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming within
a specified distance of a protected person or protected animal or
premises or any other provision to protect the protected person or
protected animal from imminent danger to life or health, that is issued
by a court of this state or a municipal court, and that is issued
pursuant to:
(A) Article 14 of title 13, C.R.S., section 18-1-1001, section 19-2-707,
C.R.S., section 19-4-111, C.R.S., or rule 365 of the Colorado rules of
county court civil procedure;
(B) Sections 14-4-101 to 14-4-105, C.R.S., section 14-10-107, C.R.S.,
section 14-10-108, C.R.S., or section 19-3-316, C.R.S., as those
sections existed prior to July 1, 2004;
(C) An order issued as part of the proceedings concerning a criminal
municipal ordinance violation; or
(D) Any other order of a court that prohibits a person from contacting,
harassing, injuring, intimidating, molesting, threatening, or touching
any person, or from entering or remaining on premises, or from coming
within a specified distance of a protected person or premises.
(II) For purposes of this section only, "protection order" includes any
order that amends, modifies, supplements, or supersedes the initial
protection order. "Protection order" also includes any restraining order
entered prior to July 1, 2003, and any foreign protection order as
defined in section 13-14-104, C.R.S.
(b) "Registry" means the computerized information system created in
section 18-6-803.7 or the national crime information center created
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. sec. 534.
(c) "Restrained person" means the person identified in the order as the
person prohibited from doing the specified act or acts.
(d) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 1003, § 6, effective July 1,
(2) (a) Violation of a protection order is a class 2 misdemeanor; except
that, if the restrained person has previously been convicted of
violating this section or a former version of this section or an
analogous municipal ordinance, or if the protection order is issued
pursuant to section 18-1-1001, the violation is a class 1 misdemeanor.
(a.5) A second or subsequent violation of a protection order is an
extraordinary risk crime that is subject to the modified sentencing
range specified in section 18-1.3-501 (3).
(b) (Deleted by amendment, L. 95, p. 567, § 3, effective July 1, 1995.)
(c) Nothing in this section shall preclude the ability of a municipality
to enact concurrent ordinances. Any sentence imposed for a violation of
this section shall run consecutively and not concurrently with any
sentence imposed for any crime which gave rise to the issuing of the
protection order.
(3) (a) Whenever a protection order is issued, the protected person
shall be provided with a copy of such order. A peace officer shall use
every reasonable means to enforce a protection order.
(b) A peace officer shall arrest, or, if an arrest would be impractical
under the circumstances, seek a warrant for the arrest of a restrained
person when the peace officer has information amounting to probable
cause that:
(I) The restrained person has violated or attempted to violate any
provision of a protection order; and
(II) The restrained person has been properly served with a copy of the
protection order or the restrained person has received actual notice of
the existence and substance of such order.
(c) In making the probable cause determination described in paragraph
(b) of this subsection (3), a peace officer shall assume that the
information received from the registry is accurate. A peace officer
shall enforce a valid protection order whether or not there is a record
of the protection order in the registry.
(d) The arrest and detention of a restrained person is governed by
applicable constitutional and applicable state rules of criminal
procedure. The arrested person shall be removed from the scene of the
arrest and shall be taken to the peace officer's station for booking,
whereupon the arrested person may be held or released in accordance with
the adopted bonding schedules for the jurisdiction in which the arrest
is made, or the arrested person may be taken to the jail in the county
where the protection order was issued. The law enforcement agency or any
other locally designated agency shall make all reasonable efforts to
contact the protected party upon the arrest of the restrained person.
The prosecuting attorney shall present any available arrest affidavits
and the criminal history of the restrained person to the court at the
time of the first appearance of the restrained person before the court.
(e) The arresting agency arresting the restrained person shall forward
to the issuing court a copy of such agency's report, a list of witnesses
to the violation, and, if applicable, a list of any charges filed or
requested against the restrained person. The agency shall give a copy of
the agency's report, witness list, and charging list to the protected
party. The agency shall delete the address and telephone number of a
witness from the list sent to the court upon request of such witness,
and such address and telephone number shall not thereafter be made
available to any person, except law enforcement officials and the
prosecuting agency, without order of the court.
(4) If a restrained person is on bond in connection with a violation or
attempted violation of a protection order in this or any other state and
is subsequently arrested for violating or attempting to violate a
protection order, the arresting agency shall notify the prosecuting
attorney who shall file a motion with the court which issued the prior
bond for the revocation of the bond and for the issuance of a warrant
for the arrest of the restrained person if such court is satisfied that
probable cause exists to believe that a violation of the protection
order issued by the court has occurred.
(5) A peace officer arresting a person for violating a protection order
or otherwise enforcing a protection order shall not be held criminally
or civilly liable for such arrest or enforcement unless the peace
officer acts in bad faith and with malice or does not act in compliance
with rules adopted by the Colorado supreme court.
(6) (a) A peace officer is authorized to use every reasonable means to
protect the alleged victim or the alleged victim's children to prevent
further violence. Such peace officer may transport, or obtain
transportation for, the alleged victim to shelter. Upon the request of
the protected person, the peace officer may also transport the minor
child of the protected person, who is not an emancipated minor, to the
same shelter if such shelter is willing to accept the child, whether or
not there is a custody order or an order allocating parental
responsibilities with respect to such child or an order for the care and
control of the child and whether or not the other parent objects. A
peace officer who transports a minor child over the objection of the
other parent shall not be held liable for any damages that may result
from interference with the custody, parental responsibilities, care, and
control of or access to a minor child in complying with this subsection
(b) For purposes of this subsection (6), "shelter" means a battered
women's shelter, a friend's or family member's home, or such other safe
haven as may be designated by the protected person and which is within a
reasonable distance from the location at which the peace officer found
the victim.
(7) The protection order shall contain in capital letters and bold print
a notice informing the protected person that such protected person may
either initiate contempt proceedings against the restrained person if
the order is issued in a civil action or request the prosecuting
attorney to initiate contempt proceedings if the order is issued in a
criminal action.
(8) A protection order issued in the state of Colorado shall contain a
statement that:
(a) The order or injunction shall be accorded full faith and credit and
be enforced in every civil or criminal court of the United States,
another state, an Indian tribe, or a United States territory pursuant to
18 U.S.C. sec. 2265;
(b) The issuing court had jurisdiction over the parties and subject
matter; and
(c) The defendant was given reasonable notice and opportunity to be
(9) A criminal action charged pursuant to this section may be tried
either in the county where the offense is committed or in the county in
which the court that issued the protection order is located, if such
court is within this state.
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