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Welcome to the Law Office of Jim Forslund 303-332-3602 |
FREE ONLINE DUI CASE EVALUATION-CLICK!Call or text 303-332-3602 anytime
We're Attorneys Jim Forslund and Gary Pareja, and we help people just like you who have been arrested for DUI. In fact, almost all of legal work we do concerns DUI.
Let us give you some advice about your case.
It is not a good idea to go to Court alone. Any thing you say to the District Attorney or the Court can be used against you.
On the other hand, If you have an attorney, the Court and the DA cannot talk to you without your attorney present. In addition, anything your attorney says cannot be used against you. And anything you tell your attorney is protected by the attorney client privilege.
If you have an attorney and you are not under bond, your first experience with the justice system is the pretrial conference. The goals of the pre-trial conference are the same in all of the metropolitan county courts, but there are differences in the way they are conducted.
In this first stage the first goal is to determine if the case can be settled without a trial and on what terms. A second goal is to determine what steps should be taken if the matter is set for trial.
Here are matters that are taken into consideration in all jurisdictions, by the prosecutor when making a plea bargain offer:
But there are also different policies in the various District Attorney's offices that apply to DUI cases.
These are the important things that you need to know.
There are 4 county courts in the city and county of Denver that handle DUI cases. These courts
have the most crowded dockets in the entire metropolitan area. (Not from Colorado? Your case may be
in one of the other counties for the cities close to Denver.) If you do not arrive at court
early, it is not unusual to have to stand throughout most of the proceedings. There are usually
two deputy district attorneys that conduct the pre-trials. They usually have had their case
(police report) reviewed before hand and make a notation as to what they are willing to offer
for a plea bargain. Denver will
offer very little in the way of a plea bargain if the defendant refuses a blood or breath test or has
low BAC .
Pre-trial's are always held in the morning of every day of the week. There are long waits in the court room. It usually pays to be early. The conferences are held in open court. Your attorney will discuss the case with the prosecutor out of your presence.
Pleas are not entered until the pre-trial conference. If you enter a not guilty plea, the trial must be held within six months.
If you enter a guilty plea to an alcohol offense, you will be referred to an alcohol evaluation and public service. The fine is due at this time if you do not have priors and were not over .20. Payments can be arranged on the fine. Otherwise the judge may have you come back to court after the evaluation.
In-home detention plus limited jail is usually ordered if you have a second or were over .20; jail with work release on a third, straight time on a fourth or higher.
To contact us, please call at 303-332-3602.
Lindsey-Flannigan Courthouse
303 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80204
Turn W on Colfax Ave. Destination will be on the right
Clerk's Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
County Court Probation
If you are under probation supervision for a Denver Municipal Court Case or a DUI offense and NOT a felony offense, please contact Denver County Court Probation at 720 913-8300
Free Childcare during Court Business
Free child care is available for children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years at the Denver Warm Welcome Court Childcare Center, located at 270 14th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202. Please do not bring your children with you to Court or the Pro Se Center as we strive to maintain a quiet environment for litigants to conduct business.
Phone: 720-865-9930.
For more information see DUI in Colorado.
To contact us, please call at 303-332-3602.
P.S. Your first conference with me is free, and there is no further obligation.