DUI & Criminal Defense

  • •Enter our appearance in court so clients don't have to attend their arraignment hearing if possible
  • •Obtain and review discovery for defenses and strategy
  • •Accompany clients to their Pretrial Conference
  • •;File motions to suppress evidence
  • •Negotiate with DA to obtain the best disposition offer
  • •Prepare vigorous trial defense to obtain a not guilty verdict
  • •Accompany clients to court at sentencing and present mitigation.
  • •Provide post-conviction assistance with the license reinstatement process (SR-22, Interlock, classes, etc.)

DUID Defense

In addition to the services associated with DUI defense:

  • •Review evolving legal precedents in DUID marijuana cases
  • •Study evolving science of marijuana’s effect on driving
  • •Obtain and review chemical blood test results
  • •Conduct thorough examination of evidence to analyze the special circumstances of the initial stop for defenses
  • •Negotiate appropriate sentencing

Client Testimonials:

"I settled with a reckless driving and six weeks drug and alcohol class.. I did not get a DUI or even reduced to a DWAI... I told the law office I didn't want a "D" anything on my record and they made it happen.. I highly recommend." Anthony G.

We were able to get this plea on the date of trial on this marijuana case.

DUI/DUID Felony Defense

  • •Develop strategies and tactics to defend cases involving new Colorado felony DUI laws
  • •Plan and conduct formal trial to obtain the best possible resolution

Interstate Driver License Compact Reinstatements

  • •Advise clients on preparing the proper paperwork required for DMV application and/or hearing
  • •Accompany clients at DMV to advocate and facilitate reinstatement process as needed
  • •Assist clients to accomplish tasks relative to reinstatement requirements
  • Interstate Driver License Compact Page
  • National Driver Register (NDR) form.

Domesic Violence Pages