In Colorado, drivers can refuse to take a breath or blood test for drunk driving. This applies to those suspected of DUI by police officers.
If you are pulled over for suspicion of DUI, you most likely will be requested submit to a breath or blood alcohol test. There are some exceptions to this rule. First, the officer may not have the means to give you a test. Second, if you are under 18 years old, then you do not have to submit to a blood test without parental consent. Third, if you are unconscious at the time of arrest, then officers may not draw your blood. Fourth, if you are injured, then you may be requested to take a blood test. Fifth, if you are a unable to blow, you may be requested to submit to a blood test. Sixth, if you are an active duty military member, then you may be requested to submit to a chemical test. Seventh, if you are a licensed medical professional, then you may be requested to submit to a blood test.
A refusal to submit to a blood drawing is not a crime in the state of Colorado. This means that you cannot be arrested for refusing to submit to a breath or blood test. However, you will still face driver license consequences for refusing.
If you refuse to submit to a blood test, you may lose your license. It is also possible that you could face fines and fees. These charges include a fine for each offense, plus any costs associated with the DUI investigation.
A refusal to submit to a blood alcohol test is not considered a criminal offense in Colorado. However, there are consequences for driving under the influence.
If you refuse to take a breathalyzer test, you still face prosecution. The State has less evidence, but sometimes it is not enough and the case is dismissed.
What To Do After Being Arrested and Released for DUID in Colorado