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If you have been convicted of multiple DUIs in the past and your license is currently suspended, revoked or canceled - even a lifetime ban - you won't be able to get a driver's license in that state or any other state due to the Interstate Driver License Compact and the National Driver Register. The Compact is an agreement among its member states to recognize each other's driver's license holds to prevent people from simply crossing state lines and getting a license. It basically says, "If you won't give them a license for any reason, we won't give them a license either."


Colorado has a special administrative rule (1 CCR 204-30 Rule 2 Interstate Driver's License Compact) that states briefly: In spite of a Compact hold, the Colorado DMV will issue you a license after qualification if it is determined that you are safe to drive and at least a year has passed since you lost your license or last drove, regardless of what any other state's law says. We will help apply Colorado law to your unique set of circumstances. Sometimes a hearing or an appeal to a district court is necessary.

In practical terms, this means that you must qualify for a license under Colorado law, have proof of address and have not driven for at least a year. And you should also know that Colorado DOES NOT have a certain length of stay residency requirement, if you have a job or own or operate a business in Colorado. When we talk I'll give you more information about this. Also see more here

Interstate Compact: Here's Exactly How it Works For DNR Holds

       You have to start off with the Interstate Driver License Compact and the . The compact basically says, for the states that are members, "if you won't give them a license for any reason, we won't give them a license". The NDR keeps track of the holds.

       So, if any compact state has a hold on your license, it keeps you from getting a license in all the other states which are members of the Compact: all states except GA, TN, WI. In fact, other states may not give you a license even if the hold is in these three states.

What states are not part of the driver's license compact

      per Colorado: Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Tennesse and Wisconsin are non compact states.

       All traffic matters which caused you to lose your license are counted. There are also some non-traffic matters which may have caused it, too.

       There is one exception to this. And that is Colorado.

       You see, in spite of a compact hold, the Colorado DMV will issue you a license if it is determined that you are safe to drive, at least a year has passed since you lost your license or last drove, applicable Colorado would law allow you to drive here, you are a Colorado resident and you meet Colorado license requirements. ("Resident" means any person who owns or operates any business in this state or any person who has resided within this state continuously for a period of ninety days or has obtained gainful employment within this state, whichever shall occur first). This is regardless of what any other state's law says.

       In practical terms this means that you must qualify for a license under Colorado law, have proof of address and have not driven for at least a year . And you should also know that Colorado DOES NOT have a certain length of stay residency requirement if you have a job or own or operate a business in Colorado. When we talk I'll give you more information about this. States that have tougher laws which we have successfully appealed include: New Jersey Pennsylvania Florida New York Oregon Washington Alaska Missouri Minnesota Michigan Massachusetts Utah Kansas Nebraska Indiana Illinois Iowa.

How Do You Know If You Qualify?

       It's simple, really. All you need to do is answer a few questions (You may take a Colorado License Interview here, but please read the FAQs first), and we can tell you if you may qualify (But please understand, we cannot guarantee that you will get a Colorado license. We are not the ones who make that decision.).

       Depending on your record, you may be eligible for a Colorado license after one year of not driving. Here is the regulation Adobe Reader that makes a license possible even though another state has a hold on you on the NDR. If you have lost your license for more than a year for impaired driving convictions and if the DMV finds that you are safe to give a license, apply Colorado law and issue you a license in spite of the hold. In most cases Colorado drivers only lose their licenses for one or two months for impaired driving offenses.

Here is the Process

       You apply for a license here in Colorado. BECAUSE OF COVID, THIS IS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY AND YOU NEED TO ENTER AN ADDRESS TO SET ONE Screenshots To Request An Appointment You most likely will need to pass the written test, so study the Colorado Driver Handbook first. Because of the hold from another state on the NDR, you will then be turned down. You must have proper identification when you apply including proof of your social security number. The easiest way to prove your identity is with a state issued birth certificate with a raised state seal, a state issued ID card and a social security card. (Neither social security cards nor birth certificates can be laminated.) You must tell the DMV clerk about the hold on your license elsewhere. Also you will need documentation of your address:


*EFFECTIVE April 4, 2011*

In order to be compliant with the Federal Real ID Act, ALL applicants must show two documents to prove their residential address.  (A minor child may use the parent's address indicated on their license if it is correct.)  Applicants may provide one of the documents listed below if it contains the applicant's current address:

We can help you decide which is the best proof for your situation.

When you are turned down, you should ask for a NOTICE OF OUT OF STATE RESTRAINT (DL004) and purchase a Colorado State Identity Card

       After you retain us, we request the qualifications you must meet to obtain a Colorado driver license. IF YOU REPRESENT YOURSELF, PLEASE DO NOT CALL AFTER YOU FAIL. It may take a few weeks to get a the information. You may be asked to prove that you're a resident, showing, for example, the fact that you have a job, Colorado business, or your address and how long you have been there, etc. The DMV will request information from the state with the hold, but sometimes does not get enough information to adjudicate your case. You should have current driving records from all states that have holds on you. You must also be found to be safe to put on the road. This is important when you have drunk driving convictions. You should bring any documentation of your alcohol classes, treatment and AA attendance that you have.

       The process itself is not lengthy and may takes about a five weeks . . . but don't hold me to that.

       If we're successful here, DMV will issue you a license in spite of any holds. You'll then have to apply for a Instruction Permit (which includes a written test). Once you pass the test and get your picture Instruction Permit, you may take your driving test at a commercial driving school (because it takes what seems like forever to get set up for a test with the State). The driving school will provide the car and get you tested. If an interlock is required, we will refer you. Once you pass the driving test and take proof to DMV, you will be issued a license. Interlock documentation, SR-22 and class enrollment are often required before you will be issued a permit or license.

       To determine whether or not you may qualify to get a Colorado driver's license even though yours is revoked or suspended in your another state, complete the Colorado License Interview here, but please read Colorado-License-FAQ and the Interstate Driver License Compact. We will respond promptly to tell you if you may qualify. We may request further information by email or text. Usually a only few simple questions will be necessary. Time limitations make lengthy discussions on the telephone impracticable at the initial stages due the volume of requests.

Getting my license back 5.0 stars Posted by anonymous on AVVO June 3, 2011 Having gotten several out of state DUIs I luckily made it into Rehab and successful recovery (over 5 years of sobriety). Several years later, I became a legal resident of Colorado but could not get my name removed from the National DUI registry to get a driver’s license through the DMV even though my court requirements for the last DUI were met. Fearful that my driving privilege would never be reinstated I contacted Jim Forslund’s office and after an informative discussion hired him. As my legal representative, he and his associate Mr. Pareja, applying Colorado law, were instrumental in guiding me through the tedious CO MVD process and hearings in order for me to regain a restricted driver license requiring an interlock device for 2 years . After the interlock requirement was met, Jim provided a follow-up service representing my interest during the next round of MVD hearings. Due to clerical error and subsequent misunderstanding with my out of state records, my initial request for full privileges was denied. However, with Jim’s persistent assistance of my case with the MVD hearing office as a part of the follow-up service, the misunderstanding was cleared up and I was finally granted my full driving privileges. Mr. Forslund always received or returned my phone calls and responded to my emails in a timely fashion and always had time to discuss my case. Because of his professional and compassionate demeanor I consider him more of a friend than as my attorney. He and his associate Mr. Pareja are knowledgeable in all aspects of Colorado Law as it to applies to DUI and were readily accessible for all questions and concerns a client might have. As such, I whole heartedly recommend him to anyone accused of DUI or in need of excellent legal advice especially as it pertains interstate DUI and Colorado Law.