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Exploring How Long Information Stays on the NDR

The retention time of information stored in the National Driver Register (NDR) is dependent on the type and severity of an individual's driving violations. Generally, records are stored for a period of up to seven years, but some information is retained indefinitely.

What is the NDR?

The National Driver Register (NDR) is the national database of driver records maintained by the Federal government. It's a centralized system that provides state motor vehicle agencies with valuable driving-related information to make decisions about drivers' licensing and vehicle registration eligibility. All 50 states as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa and Guam use NDR databases to compile and monitor records on individuals whose driver license has been revoked or suspended, or who have been convicted for either certain driving violations or for being habitual traffic offenders.

How Does Information Get Into the NDR?

Information is reported to the NDR from a variety of sources including state driver's license agencies, courts and other government agencies. Reports are then stored for a certain amount of time, depending on the type of report and whether the violation is serious or habitual. Generally, information related to conviction stays in the NDR until an individual pays their fines and fees, while remaining convictions remain indefinitely. The NDR will also remove records if they are inaccurate or incomplete.

What Information Is Collected By The NDR?

The National Driver Register (NDR) collects identification information such as name, date of birth, driver's license number and state of issuance for individuals who have committed certain traffic violations. In addition, the NDR may also collect information related to a driver's habitual violation behavior or multiple driving under the influence convictions. Through this collection, state motor vehicle departments can obtain data about drivers who have had their licenses revoked or suspended in other states.

How Long Does Information Stay In The NDR?

The data stored in the NDR remains active for a period of three (3) years from the initial conviction, or from when the requested vital information was received by the NDR, whichever is later. After that time frame has passed, all records must be expunged from the registry database unless there are pending criminal proceedings in which case it may remain beyond three (3) years. To ensure fair and accurate reporting, federal regulations require each state to report driver record inquiries to NDR as soon as they are processed.

How to Clear or Update Records in the NDR?

All states are required to promptly update or remove information regarding licensure action in the NDR related to convictions, pending actions, and traffic violations. To clear or update a driver's record in the NDR, contact the appropriate state motor vehicle agency (MVA). Depending on the state's process, this could be done directly through the MVA via mail or online. Additionally, if a driver has inaccurate information listed in his/her driver record, they should also contact their State MVA to request a correction.

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