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Can You Leave The State With A Pending DUI Felony Charge?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is illegal in all 50 states. The penalties for driving while intoxicated vary by state, but most states will suspend your license for at least 30 days. In addition, many states require that you pay fines and court costs.

You Could Be Arrested Upon Leaving the State.

If you leave the state without getting court permission, you could be arrested upon leaving or returning to Colorado. This means you could face additional charges and penalties.

You Should Pay For An Attorney.

It's also possible to avoid this and other complications by hiring a private attorney who specializes in criminal defense. The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers estimates that only half of all defendants charged with felonies hire an attorney.

You May Lose Your Freedom.

If you leave the state with a pending felony charge, you may lose your freedom. This means you might not be able to leave jail unless you are found not guilty by a jury. If you're found guilty, you might be going to prison.

You May Have To Pay To be Transported Back To Colorado

In addition to being taken into custody, you also may face other penalties when for leaving the Colorado with a pending criminal charge. These include fines, fees, and possible jail time. So if you plan to travel outside of Colorado, make sure your attorney gets permission first.

You May Have To Face An Additional Criminal Charges.

If you leave the state while facing a pending criminal charge, you will likely face additional charges. This includes any new crimes committed after you left the state. It also means that you may face more serious charges than those originally filed.

Penalty Chart
