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Understanding Colorado DUIs Law - Comprehensive Penalty Chart

Colorado takes driving under the influence offenses seriously. Learn about which offenses are considered crimes, along with the potential fines and other criminal penalties associated with a DUI in Colorado by exploring this comprehensive penalty chart.

What is the Colorado DUI Law?

The Colorado DUI Law is a series of laws that prohibit operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A person in violation can be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI). To be considered an impaired driver, your blood alcohol level must be 0.05 percent or greater. In addition to criminal penalties, offenders face administrative consequences through the DMV's Express Consent Law.

What are the Different Types of Penalties in Colorado for a DUI?

When convicted of a DUI or DWAI in Colorado, an offender can face a range of penalties that include fines, jail time, license suspensions or revocations, community service, and mandatory installation of an Ignition Interlock Device. Penalties are based on the offender's number of prior convictions, as well as any aggravating factors such as having a BAC of 0.15 percent or over. In extreme cases felony charges can be filed in both criminal and administrative court.

How Are Mandatory Consequences Determined?

Mandatory consequences for a DUI in Colorado are based on the offender's number of prior convictions and aggravating factors, such as having a BAC of 0.15 percent or over. Penalties may include fines, jail time, license suspensions or revocations, community service, and/or mandatory installation of an Ignition Interlock Device (IID). Felony charges can be filed in both criminal and administrative court if the case is particularly extreme.

Are There Other Factors That Can Impact Penalties?

Although prior convictions and aggravating factors have a major influence on DUI penalties, there may be other mitigating or aggravating factors that impact potential penalties. These can include age of the offender, intoxication in public place (near minors or children), involvement of drugs/alcohol in an accident, conducting disrespectful behavior toward law enforcement, and/or more serious associated criminal charges. Depending on the circumstances of the case, it may be possible for the prosecution to recommend a stiffer penalty than what is stated in the chart.

Penalty Chart
