A DUI checkpoint is a traffic stop where police officers will look for signs of intoxication in motorists. The goal is to reduce accidents caused by impaired driving.
If you encounter a DUI checkpoint, here are some things you can do to stay out of trouble:
If you didn't follow above, watch for checkpoint signs. If you see the first sign, there must be an opportunity for you to avoid the checkpoint.
Checkpoints must be advertised. Keep up top date.
If you avoid the checkpoint, do not violate any traffic laws while doing so.
You can avoid an arrest at a DUI checkpoint by following this tip.
If you enter a checkpoint, you must stop and remain stopped until directed otherwise by police. Once you have done so, you cannot pull off the road and wait until the checkpoint is over before continuing.
There are several things you can do to prepare yourself for a DUI checkpoint. First, make sure you have enough gas in your vehicle. Second, keep your cell phone charged so you can call 911 if necessary. Third, make sure you have an up-to-date driver's license. Fourth, make sure you have proof of insurance. Fifth, make sure you have your car registration card with you. Sixth, make sure you have proof of insurance. Seventh, make sure you have any required documentation such as proof of residency, proof of citizenship, etc.
If you encounter a DUI checkpoint, stay calm and follow these tips to avoid getting arrested.