Are you wondering if the state of Colorado is part of the Driver License Compact or not? The answer is yes - Colorado is a compact state and as such, has agreed to abide by certain laws and standards in regards to issuing driver licenses and sharing information with other states. Find out what this means for drivers in Colorado in this comprehensive guide.
The Driver License Compact (DLC) is an interstate agreement that states have entered into, allowing them to exchange information about driver licensing. It standardizes processes among the agencies involved and also establishes what happens when a driver loses his license in another state. All of Colorado's neighboring states are part of the DLC, as is Colorado itself. As such, it's important for drivers to understand their responsibilities with respect to the laws established by the DLC.
A Driver License Compact (DLC) state is one that has agreed to be part of an interstate agreement which enables the exchange of traffic violation information across the states. This inter-state agreement standardizes various processes for each state and establishes what happens when a driver loses his license in another member state. Colorado is one of the 45 DLC signatories that Colorado recognizes, making drivers subject to these regulations.
In Colorado, a Driver Responsibility Program (DPR) assigns points to drivers for different kinds of violations. Drivers who accumulate a certain number of points in a given time period can face sanctions such as fines, license suspension or revocation, and increased car insurance rates. Points stay active on your record for two years after the violation date, but can be removed through safe driving classes or by remaining violation free for long enough that they drop off naturally. Understanding the point system is key to remaining in good standing with the DLC and avoiding costly penalties.
Colorado is a member of the Nonresident Violator Compact (NRVC), an agreement between 45 states to share information regarding traffic violations. Essentially, what this means is that if you have been cited for a traffic violation in another state which is also part of the NRVC, then it will show up on your driving record in Colorado and could potentially result i license suspension. This has caused some controversy, as drivers don't always think that out-of-state tickets should count against their Colorado license. Nonetheless, it's important to abide by traffic laws when driving across state lines and understand any potential ramifications for not doing so.
If you've permanently lost your license another DLC state, it does not have to be the end of your chances of getting a Colorado driver license. You can take steps to have your driving record analyzed under Colorado law to determine how long before you are eligible for a Colorado driver license.
DUI and the Interstate Driver License Compact