DUI laws vary by state, so it's important to understand the law where you live. In Colorado you must put an interlock (breathalyzer) in your car if DMV upholds a revocation if you want to drive after one month. There is a way to toll the interlock period if you take the correct steps.
If you've been arrested for DUI (alcohol), the police will have asked you to take a breath test on an Intoxilyzer (breathalyzer), and then decide whether or not to charge you with DUI. If you blow 0.08% or higher, you are facing criminal charges and a period on an interlock or no driving at all.
There's no set number of DUIs before you may want to get an interlock (breathalyzer) in your car to be able to drive legally. It depends on the dates of the offenses for which you were convicted. For example, if you get two DWAI convictions more than five years apart, you will not have to install one.
If you've been convicted of an alcohol driving offense three times within your lifetime, you may want to install a breathalyzer in your vehicle. This is because the third conviction will trigger the requirement for a breathalyzer. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For instance, if you had one or two convictions in in another state, then you won't have to install a breathalyze in the vehicle for this reason.
If your BAC is .15% or higher or refused a test, you must install a breathalyzer device in your vehicle if the revocation is upheld at DMV. If you have two convictions within the last five years, you'll also need to install a breath analyzer in your vehicle.
There is no interlock requirement, but see above. You will need a defense attorney to to safely navigate this issue and others.
Colorado DUI Penalties
Penalty Chart