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Can You Avoid Jail Time After Second DUI?

After your second DUI, you could face serious consequences, including jail time. But there are things you can do to reduce the severity of your punishment.

It's harder to get off so easy this time around.

If you've been convicted of a DUI before, you probably know how difficult it is to get off with just probation. This time around, however, you'll need to prove that you've learned your lesson. That means taking advantage of any programs offered by your local court system.

Know the Law.

In addition to getting help from your community, there are also some things you can do to make sure you stay out of trouble. First, you should know what's allowed under state law. Then, you should find an alcohol treatment program that will work with you. Finally, you should take advantage of any programs offered through your local court system. These programs can help you learn more about yourself and your drinking habits, as well as provide support while you're trying to stay sober.

Don't Drink and Drive.

If you've been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you'll need to decide whether to fight the charges. There are several reasons why you might choose to fight them. One reason is because you believe you didn't actually commit the crime. Another reason is because you feel that you were unfairly targeted by police. A third reason is because you want to keep your job. However, fighting these charges isn't always easy.

Take Care of Your Priorities First.

In order to win your case, you'll need to prove that you weren't at fault for the accident. This means proving that you weren't speeding, drinking too much alcohol, or doing drugs before getting behind the wheel. It also means showing that you had no prior criminal record. If you do have a prior conviction, you'll need to show that you've changed since then.

Be Honest with Yourself.

If you were arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) more than once, you should consider yourself lucky. Many people who are caught up in a DUI charge end up facing serious consequences, including jail time. However, there are ways to reduce the severity of your punishment.

Colorado DUI Penalties
Penalty Chart
