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DUI Pre-Trial Conference: What To Expect

A DUI conviction can ruin you financially, emotionally, and professionally. It can also result in jail time, fines, probation, license suspension, and other penalties. An experienced DUI attorney will fight for your rights and defend against the charges.

The first thing you need to know about a pre-trial conference is that it's not a trial.

At a pre-trial conference, you or your attorney and the district attorney decide whether or not a plea agreement can be reached. If not, the judge sets a date for the next court hearing. This is called a "motions hearing." You should expect to attend this hearing.

You will not have a chance to tell your side of the story before the judge sets your case for trial.

If you enter a guilty plea, you may the judge what happened. If you feel your constitutional rights been violated, you'll have an opportunity to file motions to suppress evidence.. The judge will ask questions to help you decide whether or not to have the case to move forward.

There may be some surprises at the pre-trial conference.

You might find yourself facing additional charges, such as resisting arrest or driving without a license. If the prosecutor brings additional charges against you, he/she may ask the judge to set or increase bail. Also you should expect to meet with your attorney before motions and trial dates.

At the pre-trial conference you or your attorney also get to meet with the prosecutor to negotiate possible plea bargains.

If you're facing serious charges, such as driving under the influence (DUI), you need to hire an attorney right away. An attorney can help you understand what's going on and how to prepare for your upcoming court date.

You should expect to spend time with your attorney before the motions, to make sure he has enough time to prepare.

At a suppression hearing, the prosecutor will present witnesses who saw you commit the crime. They'll also use any police reports and other documents that support the charges. Then, the prosecutor will ask the judge to set bail, which means setting a bond amount that you must pay if you're released pending trial.

Denver and Other County DUI Pre-Trial Conferences
